Understanding the Admin CSS

The Omeka admin theme uses Skeleton development kit for easy, responsive styles. Each page consists of a twelve-column grid, with sections’ columns defined by CSS classes. For example, a three column section would have the classes “three columns”.


The first two columns are dedicated to navigation, while the latter ten hold the main content. Admin views, including those added by plugins, are therefore contained within ten columns, and plugin writers should look to the structure of other admin views for markup patterns.


Within the main content, Omeka forms typically take up seven columns, and leave the last three for a save panel that follows the user down the page. The following is an example of markup from a typical admin form. The “alpha” class signifies the first set of columns within a set, and “omega” signifies the last set of columns. These classes modify the left and right margins respectively.

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">
    <section class="seven columns alpha">
        <!-- The main body of the form -->
    <section class="three columns omega">
        <div id="save" class="panel>
            <!-- Submit button(s) and other small controls -->

For reference: