------------------------------ Omeka_View_Helper_ElementInput ------------------------------ .. php:class:: Omeka_View_Helper_ElementInput Package: :doc:`View\\Helper ` Generate the form markup for entering one HTML input for an Element. .. php:attr:: _element Element record to display the input for. .. php:attr:: _record Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord to display the input for. .. php:method:: elementInput(Element $element, Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord $record, int $index = 0, string $value = , bool $isHtml = ) Display one form input for an Element. :param Element $element: The Element to display the input for. :param Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord $record: The record to display the input for. :param int $index: The index of this input. (starting at zero). :param string $value: The default value of this input. :param bool $isHtml: Whether this input's value is HTML. :returns: string .. php:method:: _getInputComponent(string $inputNameStem, string $value) Get the actual HTML input for this Element. :param string $inputNameStem: :param string $value: :returns: string .. php:method:: _getControlsComponent() Get the button that will allow a user to remove this form input. The submit input has a class of 'add-element', which is used by the Javascript to do stuff. :returns: string .. php:method:: _getHtmlCheckboxComponent(string $inputNameStem, bool $isHtml) Get the HTML checkbox that lets users toggle the editor. :param string $inputNameStem: :param bool $isHtml: :returns: string