--------------- Mixin_Timestamp --------------- .. php:class:: Mixin_Timestamp Package: :doc:`Record\\Mixin ` Mixin for models that keep added and/or modified timestamps. .. php:attr:: _record .. php:attr:: _addedColumn .. php:attr:: _modifiedColumn .. php:method:: __construct(Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord $record, string $addedColumn = added, $modifiedColumn = modified) Initialize the mixin. Setting either of the column parameters to null will skip updating thattimestamp. The default column names are 'updated' and 'added'. :param Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord $record: :param string $addedColumn: Name of the column holding the "added" timestamp. :param unknown $modifiedColumn: .. php:method:: beforeSave($args) Before saving a record, set the "updated" timestamp. :param unknown $args: .. php:method:: _setTimestamp(string $column) Update a timestamp column for the underlying record. :param string $column: Column to update.