-------------------- Mixin_PublicFeatured -------------------- .. php:class:: Mixin_PublicFeatured Package: :doc:`Record\\Mixin ` Adds default behavior associated with the 'public' and 'featured' flags. .. php:attr:: _wasPublic .. php:attr:: _wasFeatured .. php:method:: __construct(Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord $record) Constructor :param Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord $record: The underlying record .. php:method:: isPublic() Returns whether the record is public or not. :returns: boolean .. php:method:: setPublic(boolean $flag) Sets whether the record is public or not. :param boolean $flag: Whether the record is public or not .. php:method:: isFeatured() Returns whether the record is featured or not. :returns: boolean .. php:method:: setFeatured(boolean $flag) Sets whether the record is featured or not. :param boolean $flag: Whether the record is featured or not .. php:method:: beforeSave($args) :param unknown $args: .. php:method:: afterSave($args) :param unknown $args: .. php:method:: _fireHook(string $state, boolean $flag) Fires a hooks like 'make_item_public', 'make_collection_not_featured', etc. :param string $state: Currently, 'public' or 'featured' :param boolean $flag: .. php:method:: _getHookName(string $state, boolean $flag) Retrieve formatted hooks like 'make_item_public', 'make_collection_not_featured', etc. :param string $state: Currently, 'public' or 'featured' :param boolean $flag: :returns: string The hook name