.. _ftagstring: ########## tag_string ########## :doc:`Tag-related functions ` ******* Summary ******* .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/summary/tag_string.rst .. php:function:: tag_string(Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord|array $recordOrTags, string|null $link = items/browse, string $delimiter) Return a tag string given an Item, Exhibit, or a set of tags. :param Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord|array $recordOrTags: The record to retrieve tags from, or the actual array of tags :param string|null $link: The URL to use for links to the tags (if null, tags aren't linked) :param string $delimiter: ', ' (comma and whitespace) is the default tag_delimiter option. Configurable in Settings :returns: string HTML ***** Usage ***** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/usage/tag_string.rst ******** Examples ******** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/examples/tag_string.rst ******** See Also ******** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/see_also/tag_string.rst