.. _flinktoitem: ############ link_to_item ############ :doc:`Link-related functions ` ******* Summary ******* .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/summary/link_to_item.rst .. php:function:: link_to_item(string $text, array $props = Array, string $action = show, Item $item) Return a link to an item. :param string $text: HTML for the text of the link. :param array $props: Properties for the tag. :param string $action: The page to link to (this will be the 'show' page almost always within the public theme). :param Item $item: Used for dependency injection testing or to use this function outside the context of a loop. :returns: string HTML ***** Usage ***** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/usage/link_to_item.rst ******** Examples ******** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/examples/link_to_item.rst ******** See Also ******** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/see_also/link_to_item.rst