.. _fbrowsesortlinks: ################# browse_sort_links ################# :doc:`Body-related functions ` ******* Summary ******* .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/summary/browse_sort_links.rst .. php:function:: browse_sort_links(array $links, array $wrapperTags = Array) Return the list of links for sorting displayed records. :param array $links: The links to sort the headings. Should correspond to the metadata displayed. :param array $wrapperTags: The tags and attributes to use for the browse headings * 'list_tag' The HTML tag to use for the containing list * 'link_tag' The HTML tag to use for each list item (the browse headings) * 'list_attr' Attributes to apply to the containing list tag * 'link_attr' Attributes to apply to the list item tag :returns: string ***** Usage ***** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/usage/browse_sort_links.rst ******** Examples ******** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/examples/browse_sort_links.rst ******** See Also ******** .. include:: /Reference/libraries/globals/see_also/browse_sort_links.rst