-------------------- Omeka_Test_Helper_Db -------------------- .. php:class:: Omeka_Test_Helper_Db Package: :doc:`Test\\Helper ` Catch-all class for database helper methods that are shared across test cases. .. php:attr:: _dbAdapter Database adapter object. .. php:attr:: _prefix .. php:method:: __construct(Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $dbAdapter, $prefix) :param Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $dbAdapter: :param unknown $prefix: .. php:method:: __call(string $method, array $args) Proxy to the db adapter object for all other requests. :param string $method: Method name. :param array $args: Method arguments. :returns: array .. php:method:: factory($dbConfig) Create an instance of the helper that is configured for the correct database. :param unknown $dbConfig: .. php:method:: tableExists(string $tableName) Check whether a table exists in the database. :param string $tableName: :returns: boolean .. php:method:: getTableCount(string $prefix) Get the number of tables in the database. :param string $prefix: :returns: integer .. php:method:: dropTables($tables) Drop the tables from the database. :param unknown $tables: :returns: void .. php:method:: truncateTables($tables) Truncate the tables from the database. :param unknown $tables: :returns: void .. php:method:: install() .. php:method:: getTableNames() Get the tables in the database. :returns: array .. php:method:: getRowCount(string $tableName) Get the number of rows in a table. :param string $tableName: :returns: integer .. php:method:: getAdapter() .. php:method:: getPrefix()