--------------------------------- Omeka_Db_Select_PublicPermissions --------------------------------- .. php:class:: Omeka_Db_Select_PublicPermissions Package: :doc:`Db ` Encapsulates the permissions check for a record that can be public or private. .. php:attr:: _allPermission .. php:attr:: _selfPermission .. php:method:: __construct(string $resource) Create the permissions object and perform the ACL checks. The permissions check relies on 'showNotPublic' and (optionally)'showSelfNotPublic' privileges on the give resource. :param string $resource: ACL resource name to check. .. php:method:: apply(Omeka_Db_Select $select, string $alias, string $ownerColumn = owner_id) Apply the permissions to an SQL select object. :param Omeka_Db_Select $select: :param string $alias: Table alias to query against :param string $ownerColumn: Optional column for checking for ownership. If falsy, the ownership check is skipped.