------------------------------------ Omeka_Db_Migration_AbstractMigration ------------------------------------ .. php:class:: Omeka_Db_Migration_AbstractMigration Package: :doc:`Db\\Migration ` Database migration classes may inherit from this one. .. php:attr:: db .. php:method:: setDb(Omeka_Db $db) Set the database to migrate. :param Omeka_Db $db: :returns: void .. php:method:: getDb() :returns: Omeka_Db .. php:method:: down() Template method for reversing the migration. This is defined as a template method instead of leaving it abstract becausepre-existing implementations of Omeka_Db_Migration were not required toimplement the down() method. This ensures backwards compatibility forthose migrations. .. php:method:: __call(string $m, array $a) Proxy calls to Omeka_Db. Allows migration writers to call db methods directly on $this. :param string $m: Method name. :param array $a: Method arguments. .. php:method:: form() If the migration requires a form submission, here's where to handle display of it :returns: void .. php:method:: up()