---------------------------------- Omeka_Application_Resource_Helpers ---------------------------------- .. php:class:: Omeka_Application_Resource_Helpers Package: :doc:`Application\\Resource ` Initializes controller action helpers. .. php:method:: init() .. php:method:: _initDbHelper() .. php:method:: _initViewRenderer() .. php:method:: _initResponseContexts() Define the custom response format contexts for Omeka. Plugin writers should use the 'response_contexts' filter to modify or expand the list of formats that existing controllers may respond to. Example of a definition of a response context through the ZF API: $contexts->addContext('dc', array('suffix' => 'dc','headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'text/xml'),'callbacks' => array('init' => 'atBeginningDoThis','post' => 'afterwardsDoThis'))); :returns: void .. php:method:: getDefaultResponseContexts() Returns the default response contexts for Omeka. :returns: array .. php:method:: _initAclHelper()