################### item_search_filters ################### ***** Usage ***** Use this filter in conjunction with the :ref:`modelbrowsesql` hook to display what search filters are being applied to the item search. If your plugin uses ``item_browse_sql`` to provide an additional filter when searching, you should use this filter to display the results. Look through the ``request_array`` passed in the arguments for the key/value pair with key matching the additional filter you have created. Add the display value to the array as a new key/value pair, with the key being the name of your filter and the value being the text to display. ***** Value ***** ``array`` $displayArray Array of filters for the search/browse page. Keys are possible ``$_GET`` parameters. Values are values being filtered. ********* Arguments ********* ``array`` request_array Array of ``$_GET`` parameters ******** Examples ******** The MultiCollections plugin clobbers the core collection filtering message by checking if a ``multi-collection`` value is among the ``$_GET`` parameters and displaying the collection name. .. code-block:: php public function filterItemSearchFilters($displayArray, $args) { $request_array = $args['request_array']; if(isset($request_array['multi-collection'])) { $db = get_db(); $collection = $db->getTable('Collection')->find($request_array['multi-collection']); $displayValue = strip_formatting(metadata($collection, array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))); $displayArray['collection'] = $displayValue; } return $displayArray; } ******** See Also ******** :php:class:`Omeka_View_Helper_ItemSearchFilters`