######################### admin_navigation_settings ######################### ***** Usage ***** Filters the navigation for the settings page of the admin theme. ***** Value ***** ``array`` $nav An array of arrays as used by Zend_Navigation. ********* Arguments ********* None ******** Examples ******** The array that forms the basis for settings navigation is: .. code-block:: php $navArray = array( array( 'label' => __('General Settings'), 'uri' => url('settings') ), array( 'label' => __('Element Sets'), 'uri' => url('element-sets'), 'resource' => 'ElementSets', 'privilege' => 'browse' ), array( 'label' => __('Security Settings'), 'uri' => url('security'), 'resource' => 'Security', 'privilege' => 'edit' ), array( 'label' => __('Search Settings'), 'uri' => url('search/settings') ) ); To add a new link to a plugin's admin interface, you would use this filter like this: .. code-block:: php public function filterAdminNavigationSettings($nav) { $nav[] = array( 'label' => __('My Plugin Settings'), 'uri' => url('my-plugin/settings') ); return $nav; }