##################### admin_items_form_tabs ##################### ***** Usage ***** The admin_items_form_tabs filter allows you to add, remove, or modify the tabs on the edit item form. ***** Value ***** ``array`` $tabs An array of the item form tabs. The keys are the tab names, and the values are the HTML content of each tab. A filter function should modify this array and return it. ********* Arguments ********* :php:class:`Item` item The Item being edited. Filter functions can use this parameter to change the tabs or content on an item-by-item basis. ******** Examples ******** .. code-block:: php class MyPlugin extends :php:class:`Omeka_Plugin_AbstractPlugin` { protected $_filters = array('admin_items_form_tabs'); public filterAdminItemsFormTabs($tabs, $args) { $item = $args['item']; $tabs["My Plugin"] = uri('/my-plugin/edit/id/' . $item->id); } }