.. _element_element_input_filter. ########################### Element ElementInput Filter ########################### ***** Usage ***** Customize the input for a particular element. This only applies to forms generated by the element_form() helper function. The name of the filter is an array:: array('ElementInput', $recordType, $elementSet, $elementName); * $recordType: The type of Omeka object to filter the metadata for. Most commonly, this will be 'Item'. * $elementSetName: The name of the element set containing the metadata field to be filtered. Possible values include 'Dublin Core' and 'Item Type Metadata'. * $elementName: The name of the specific element within the set to be filtered. ***** Value ***** ``array`` $components The input components, like:: $components = array( 'input' => $formTextarea, 'form_controls' => $removeButton, 'html_checkbox' => $useHtmlCheckbox, 'html' => null ); ********* Arguments ********* ``string`` input_name_stem The name of the input, e.g., ``Elements[1][0]`` ``string`` value The value for the input :php:class:`Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord` record The model being edited :php:class:`Element` element The element being edited ``string`` index The index of the input for the element ``boolean`` is_html Whether the input uses html ******** Examples ******** .. code-block:: php class MyPlugin extends Omeka_Plugin_AbstractPlugin { $_filters = array('shortenSubjectField', array('ElementInput', 'Item', 'Dublin Core', 'Title')); public function shortenSubjectField($components, $args) { $components['input'] = get_view()->formText($args['input_name_stem'], $args['value']); return $components; } }