------------------------------------------------- Omeka_Controller_Action_Helper_ThemeConfiguration ------------------------------------------------- .. php:class:: Omeka_Controller_Action_Helper_ThemeConfiguration Package: :doc:`Controller\\ActionHelper ` Action helper for handling theme configuration. .. php:attr:: _themeOptions .. php:attr:: _formValues .. php:attr:: _form .. php:method:: processForm(Zend_Form $form, array $data, array $originalOptions = Array) Process the theme configuration form. For file elements, this will save them using the storage systemor remove them as is necessary. :param Zend_Form $form: The form to save. :param array $data: The data to fill the form with. :param array $originalOptions: The previous options for the form. :returns: array|bool Array of options if the form was validly submitted, false otherwise. .. php:method:: _configFileElement(Zend_Form_Element_File $element) Ignore a file element that has an associated hidden element, since this means that the user did not change the uploaded file. :param Zend_Form_Element_File $element: .. php:method:: _processFileElement(Zend_Form_Element_File $element) Store and/or delete a file for a file element. :param Zend_Form_Element_File $element: .. php:method:: _deleteOldFile(Zend_Form_Element_File $element) Delete a previously-stored theme file. :param Zend_Form_Element_File $element: