
From Omeka 1.5 on, site admins can pick the locale they want Omeka to use. When working on the core, plugins, or themes, the code must be internationalized to make display in different languages and locales possible.


For most plugins and themes, making user-facing text translatable will be the lion’s share of the internationalization work. All text strings that are presented to the user and are not editable by the user should be translated. This includes obvious suspects like text in paragraphs and other visible HTML elements, but also less obvious places like the <title> element or title and alt attributes.

Omeka uses one function for enabling text translation, the __ (double-underscore) function. Anything that needs to be translated must be passed through the double-underscore function.

Bare text

Before internationalization, a great deal of the user-facing text may be written directly in HTML or plain text, with no PHP code. Omeka’s translation works through a PHP function, so you need to introduce a PHP block.


<p>Some text.</p>


<p><?php echo __('Some text.'); ?></p>

Literal PHP strings

PHP strings that will end up being shown to the user also need to get translated. These strings are already in PHP code blocks, so the process is easy. Just wrap the double-underscore function around the string that’s already there.


echo head(array(
    'title' => 'Page Title'


echo head(array(
    'title' => __('Page Title')

Strings with variables

A common pattern in PHP is to write strings that directly contain variables. These need a slightly different approach to be translatable. The goal is to make translators only have to translate your string once, no matter what the particular values of the variables inside are.

To do this, you replace your variables with placeholders, and pass your variables separately into the double-underscore function. (The placeholders used are from PHP’s sprintf function.)

Single variable

The basic placeholder is %s. It’s used when your original string simply contained one variable.


echo "The site contains $numItems items.";


echo __('The site contains %s items.', $numItems);

This will output the same way as the original, but translators will work with the single string 'The site contains %s items.' instead of many different ones for each possible number.

Multiple variables

The %s placeholder is fine for a string with only one variable. However, with two or more, you need to account for the possibility that some translations will need to reorder the variables, because their sentence structure differs from English. With multiple variables, you must instead use numbered placeholders like %1$s, %2$s, and so on.


echo "Added $file to $item.";


echo __('Added %s$1 to %s$2.', $file, $item);

By using numbered placeholders, translators can reorder where the variables will appear in the string, without modifying the code to do so.

Dates and times

The other major thing you will often want to display differently for different for different locales are dates and times. Omeka comes pre-packaged with date formats for various locales already.

Where translations run through one function, the double-underscore function, dates and times similarly work with one function: format_date. format_date automatically selects the right format based on the site’s configured locale.

format_date takes two parameters. The first is the time you want to display. The second, which is optional, is the format you want to use. If you don’t pick a format, the default is an appropriate format for displaying a date.


There are two possible types for the time parameter for format_date: integer and string. If you pass an integer, the time is interpreted as a Unix timestamp. If you pass a string, the time/date is interpreted according to the ISO 8601 standard (this will, among many other formats, correctly parse the output from MySQL date and time columns).


format_date uses Zend_Date internally, so the Zend documentation is the place to go for an exhaustive list of available formats <>.

Format constants starting with DATE are used for displaying dates without a specific time, ones starting with DATETIME are used for date/time combinations, and ones starting with TIME are for times alone. For each, there are FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, and SHORT variants. Each variant will automatically use a format specific to the current locale, including things like the proper order for dates and the correct names of months.

The default format is Zend_Date::DATE_MEDIUM. This will display the given date/time value as a date, with medium length. In the standard US English locale, this looks like “May 31, 2013.” In a Brazilian locale, it would instead look like “31/05/2013.”

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