ElementSetForm Filter


Filters the form to be used for an element set

The name of the filter is an array:

array('ElementSetForm', $recordType, $elementSet, $elementName);
  • $recordType: The type of Omeka object to filter the metadata for. Most commonly, this will be ‘Item’.
  • $elementSetName: The name of the element set containing the metadata field to be filtered. Possible values include ‘Dublin Core’ and ‘Item Type Metadata’.
  • $elementName: The name of the specific element within the set to be filtered.


array $elements
Array of :php:class:`Element`s to filter


string recordType
The type of record
Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord record
The record whose form is being filtered
string elementSetName
The name of the element set whose elements should be filtered


See Also

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